Call Hydrant Mechanics For Any Problem With Your Fire Hydrant
From installing a new fire hydrant to ensuring yours passes its annual inspection, Hydrant Mechanic of Clayton, NC, is here to help you with any fire hydrant issue you may have. We offer every service available on fire hydrants with the technical expertise decades of experience bring. Call us today for compliance with hydrant regulations tomorrow.

Fire Hydrant Service FAQs
Fire hydrants should be tested at least once every 5 years to ensure that the flow is correct and that the hydrant will work properly in the case of an emergency. If you do not have your fire hydrant regularly checked, then your home and property are vulnerable in the event of a fire. A fire hydrant that is regularly tested, inspected and maintained will allow firefighters to safely and quickly use your fire hydrant to extinguish the fire. To get your fire hydrant tested, contact us today.
A fire hydrant should be flushed twice each year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Just like other tanks and pipes that hold water, a fire hydrant’s system can become full of sediment that needs to be flushed out. If your fire hydrant builds up too much sediment, it may not be able to function properly or at all in the case of a fire. Hydrant Mechanics provides fire hydrant flushing to keep your hydrant in working order. To get your fire hydrant serviced, give us a call today.
To maintain a fire hydrant, you should:
- Clear the area around it.
- Have it regularly flushed.
- Have it regularly inspected.
- Have it regularly tested.
Maintaining your fire hydrant regularly allows you to keep your fire hydrant accessible to fire fighters in the case of an emergency. A well-maintained fire hydrant ensures that your property will be protected in the event of a fire. To get your fire hydrant serviced, call us today.
The first step in a safety check is to physically inspect each hydrant. First, look for anything that might cause the hydrant to malfunction. Examine the flange bolts for corroded or missing parts. Next, examine the bonnet bolts for corroded or missing parts. Inspect the hose and pumper caps for lubrication. Look for any missing chains or s-hooks. Inspect the pumper and hose nozzles for wear and tear. Also, verify that the fire hydrant is upright.
Your fire hydrant inspection report will detail all information obtained during the inspection, plus an action plan to resolve any issues that might cause your hydrant to fail.
Fire hydrants are classified by how many gallons of water per minute they can disperse. They are also color-coded for easy identification by fire personnel. Generally, a Class A fire hydrant is used in residential areas and is color-coded green. It uses 1,000–1,499 US gallons per minute (63–95 l/s).
Fire Hydrant Services From Clayton, NC
We offer every service you need for keeping your fire hydrant in compliance and ready for action. Some of the services we provide include:
- Fire Hydrant Repairs- We offer diagnostic services for your hydrant to give you a complete picture of the repair and what caused the problem.
- Fire Hydrant Installation- When a repair is not enough, we offer full replacement services compliant with local municipalities and fire marshalls.
- Fire Hydrant System Maintenance- We offer a yearly maintenance schedule to keep your hydrant working properly and ready to pass an inspection.
- Fire Hydrant Painting- We offer painting services for your hydrant, including removing old paint, priming and adding new paint.
Hydrant Mechanics’ Expertise
Hydrant Mechanics is dedicated to being North Carolina’s one stop shop for all your water system needs! We do this in a number of ways:
- Provide 24/7 emergency service.
- Fully licensed and insured.
- Offer a one year warranty on hydrant repairs and replacements.
- Answer the phone when it rings and can diagnose problems with a picture.
- Perform the work quickly and properly.
- Use the right tools the right way ensuring safety and effectiveness.
- Respond within 24 hours to fire marshal forms.
We service all of North Carolina, from the mountains to the coast. Call us today at (919) 922-3829.